Wednesday, January 27, 2021

"Hoshigami Rishu Deshi" Song • Updated

Rishu's image song! I used to have the full version MP3, but it got lost a few computers ago. :( The song is by SPOON (I think).

Lyrics provided by the uploader!

Zora o toberu ookina tsubasa wa nai deshiga
Kore demo ripa ni Shao-sama ni tsukaeru Hoshigami deshi
Nande minna tayorinai toka iu deshi ka
Chiccha kutate yareru koto wa Sugoi n deshi
wasure nai de ite itsu datte sobade
waratte iru rishu ga
mimi sumashitara kikoeru deshi ka?
messeeji wa egao tane deshi yo

I don't have wings to reach the skies ~deshi
I am only one of the many Hoshigami that serves Shao-sama ~ deshi
Why does everyone say they don't need my help ~deshi?
Someone small like me can also do great things ~deshi
Please don't forget the only one always by your side
The smiling Rishu
Can you hear it after you clear your ears ~deshi?
My message is born from my smile ~deshi!
Please accept it!